Tag Archives: black

White Lady On The Loose in Tanzania! (Me.)

I don’t remember the first time I saw a non-white person. If I stared, my mother would’ve flicked me and said, “Stop being rude.” The topic of race is taboo in White America, maybe because the guilt is too much. Now I’m a mzungu (white person) in Tanzania and I get stared at everywhere I […]

Sticks and Stones Will Break Our Bones: Racism, Homophobia and Prejudice

Before we started the asana portion of yoga class (the poses,) my teacher talked about Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. I borrowed it and, even though it’s a physically small book, it’s dense and requires thought after each paragraph. Mr. Coates calls white people “people who consider themselves white.” Being white is […]

Are Dark-Complexioned Black Women working Twice as Hard for Half the Re$pect?

Lately I’ve been listening to a podcast called “Black Girls Talking.” I’m not black and I don’t get half of the pop references they make (who is Kreayshawn?) but I listen because they talk about race in a way that no one will when white people are present. They’re upfront and angry. They’re not trying […]