Tag Archives: culture

Claim Your Entitlement at Customs: Travel in Tanzania

We Americans complain about everything. The coffee is too hot, the ice cream too cold, the bus is late. One reason I travel is to flee the manicured and manufactured life of white middle-class America. My most recent trip was one month in the bush of Tanzania, outside of Ruaha National Park. The attitudes I […]

White Lady On The Loose in Tanzania! (Me.)

I don’t remember the first time I saw a non-white person. If I stared, my mother would’ve flicked me and said, “Stop being rude.” The topic of race is taboo in White America, maybe because the guilt is too much. Now I’m a mzungu (white person) in Tanzania and I get stared at everywhere I […]

Musing from New Zealand

As I travel around New Zealand, I share kitchens and trails with people from all over the world. Signs in bathrooms remind people to flush used toilet paper, rather than throw it in the garbage can. Local newspaper comics imitate foreign drivers who are too busy looking at scenery to remember to drive on the […]