Tag Archives: love

“Before This and After This”… When Life Changes in a Moment

The events that changed my life are often not events at all, but rather a few months of “something” that nudged me and led to certain decisions. This would put me in the camp of, “CHANGE IS A PROCESS, NOT AN EVENT.” But I quite like the quote in the photo and gave it some […]

Amelia Cranson on Success and Love

You’ll want to sit down with a cup of tea and read this answer aloud to whoever’s in the room. Amelia is a well-spoken intellectual (who knew?! She laughed at my very juvenile jokes in class the other day.) She gives us a lot to contemplate. What’s your definition of success? By that definition, do you consider yourself […]

Janie on Heartbreak and Celibacy

Janie drives like a New Yorker which, coming from me, could be a compliment. It’s possible that her pre-yoga 6am excuse holds up but we’d have to follow her for a few days to know for sure. Just be warned that she likes to back into parking spots and be ready to brake or swerve out of […]

Julie Stansell on Changing Her Mind

I purposely chose skin-revealing photos of Julie to accompany her self-revealing answer below. You’ll see why. By only appearances, we simply can’t know how someone feels or what they’re going through. What was the last thing you changed your mind about? The first thing that comes to mind is that I wasn’t going to eat carbs […]

Manny Rodriguez on MMA, Yoga and Love

I met Manny only a few weeks ago in a yoga class. He made a passing comment about not setting limits for himself. He assumes everything is possible and is open to trying new things. Naturally, I wanted to ask him about his friends, his love life, parties and God. Turns out he’s a professional […]

Aline Marie on Making Deliberate Choices for Life, Love and Happiness

Aline and I used to joke about being “yoga hustlers.” To make ends meet we were teaching multiple classes a day, driving all over town and subbing classes. Aline stood out to me because she has genuine, overflowing love for humanity. If I didn’t know her, I’d think no one like her exists. Or that they’re […]