Monthly Archives: August 2015

“Just Do It- Even If You Suck”

For the last step in an Afro-Indian dance class, we all shook our butts as best we could. After class, a woman who had sat out for the last 75 minutes asked me how we do it. I said, “we practice.” She replied, “But the moves are so confusing. How do you even get started?” […]

How Do We Uproot Our Lives and Careers if We’re *Mostly* Happy?

Some jobs I’ve had that didn’t make me compromise happiness: Substitute teacher, kindergarten teacher, track coach, backpacking trip leader, trail crew leader, yoga teacher, dog walker. But what’s my long-term plan? Sometimes I want to move back to the city and dance more (or go dance in Guinea for a few months.) Sometimes I want to […]

Kelley Jhung, Funny Lady, on Self-Worth

One of my favorite quotes is ”Don’t ever compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got,” by Janis Joplin. If I didn’t live in Encinitas, I would live in Hawaii because life is slower there. Also, everyone there looks like me. The opening credits in the movie of my life would have Dylan’s “Shelter from the […]